Foundation For Positive Mental Health

e-learning in the NHS

e-learning module 

‘Recovery from depression using guided self help resilience training’.  

This e-learning module takes the form of a 2 hour video presentation, in 4 easily assimilated parts.  It condenses our face to face workshops comprising the theory and practice behind using a guided self help resilience programme – Positive Mental Training.  Embedded in the presentations are videos of patient interviews, biofeedback demonstration and  a GP interview. As well as these presentations you will also have access to additional patient and practitioner videos and an interactive webinar (once completed) where you can share reflections and experiences of the training and programme.

On completion of  the 4 parts of the e-learning module, please send us your evaluation to receive a CPD certificate.  This training also comes with unlimited patient codes to unlock the tracks in the Feeling Good app FREE OF CHARGE for 6 months (with ongoing options for continuing use).  You will also be given a free invite to a follow up webinar. 

Excellent module aided my understanding of the neurophysiology which really helped to understand the process – GP – Northants


Special NHS Price £90 (+vat) Buy now to access online and to be sent a unique link to the training

Not in the NHS – contact us for options for accessing training and app codes.

The overall learning objective of the e- learning module is:

  • to obtain an understanding of the causes of depression and distress, and the mediators of recovery
  • to be able to guide your patients recovery within a psychologically minded practice.

At the end of module you will be able to:

  • Critically explore the underlying neurological pathways of emotional distress
  • Understand how to build emotional resilience for recovery & coping
  • Recognise the importance of the GP/therapist role in the treatment of emotional distress
  • Explain the PosMT programme to your patients & guide their recovery

     I really enjoyed this module and can only see it’s role growing with time and empowering patients – GP Oundle